Main Street Blog

Deck Maintenance and Care

Is Your Deck Getting the Care It Deserves?

Taking care of your deck is essential for protecting your investment and extending its lifespan. Regular maintenance not only keeps your deck looking great but also prevents issues like mold and rot, ensuring you can relax and entertain outdoors without worry. Michael Kayne, the lead designer and quality control manager at Main Street Home Improvement […]

Vienna Virginia

Discovering Vienna, Virginia: A Hidden Gem with Urban Amenities

Nestled in the heart of Northern Virginia, Vienna stands out as a small hometown with big-city amenities. It’s a place where people from all over the world come to settle, each bringing their own unique flair to this vibrant community. Despite its modern touches, Vienna maintains a charming, small-town atmosphere that is palpable at local […]

Dangers of Old Pressure-Treated Lumber

Understanding the Dangers of Old Pressure-Treated Lumber

In the world of home improvement and garden maintenance, few materials have endured as prominently as pressure-treated wood. Fondly (or sometimes not so fondly) remembered, the clunky decks and fences of the 70s, 80s, and 90s are often still a part of our landscape today. While these structures stand as testaments to durability, they also […]

Underdecking Space

What is Going On Under Your Deck

Your new deck looks fantastic, and your family and friends are thoroughly enjoying the leisure time spent together in this inviting space. You’ve truly nailed the perfect gathering spot. You’ve carefully planned a space for your children and guests to dine and relax after a long day. But what about the area beneath your deck? […]